PRINE Health
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PRINE Health is leading, foot first.

PRINE Health is proud to introduce PRINE Podiatry, a new complementary offering towards our goal of providing a more comprehensive level of care to our patients.

Wound Care

Do you have a sore on your foot that just doesn’t want to heal? Are you a diabetic with poor sensation, tingling or pins and needles on your feet? Are you a smoker with cold feet? Have you ever had an amputation of a toe or part of your foot? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may be at risk for developing an ulcer on your feet. Contact us today to get a consult! Foot problems often happen with there is nerve damage (neuropathy), which results in loss of sensation in ones feet. This loss of sensation combined with dry skin, high-pressure points (bunions/hammertoes) and ill-fitting shoegear increases the likelihood of developing a non-healing wound. Smokers are also at risk for developing non-healing foot ulcers due to the acceleration of circulatory disease in the toes and feet. This diminished circulation decreases the body’s ability to heal an open sore or cut. This can quickly develop into a non-healing ulcer. The diminished circulation then makes the wound much more difficult to close.
It is currently estimated that over 30 million Americans have diabetes. Approximately 4% of those with diabetes will develop a diabetic foot ulcer costing the healthcare system annually about 6.3 billion dollars in health care costs.

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