A: Usually plantar fasciitis can be diagnosed through your symptoms and physical examination alone. If we suspect you have heel spurs or other complicating factors, we may order an X-ray or perform an inhouse ultrasound study. Most cases of plantar fasciitis resolve in a few months with conservative treatment. Our podiatrists may recommend steps such as:
-The RICE protocol (Rest, Icing, Compression, Elevation)
-Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to control pain
-Gentle stretching and strengthening exercises
-Taping the bottom of your foot
-Wearing a night splint
-Custom-designed orthotics
If these conservative measures don’t improve your symptoms, our doctors may recommend steroid
injections or minimally invasive radiofrequency ablation to dull nerve pain. If heel pain or foot pain is
compromising your quality of life, contact PRINE Podiatry for a plantar fasciitis consultation.